Marshall Ridley
Newport News, VA
East Coast teamed up with Breeden Construction to complete the full abatement and structure demolition of the former Marshall Ridley housing development located in Newport News, VA. The project will bring in new apartments for the growing area.
This project consisted of 43 structures totaling 250,000 sf, with full abatement, demolition, E&S, and UST removal East Coast coordinated and maintained all site E&S for the duration of the project. The 43 structures were removed to slab in a total of 16 weeks. Over 1,400 loads of material were hauled off site. 50% of the waste stream was repurposed as landfill cover. 3 machines worked full time to complete the work on schedule and within budget. Phase 2 consisted of removing all 43 slabs, roadways, and parking lots, as well as crushing all material on site for re use. Over 10,000 tons of aggregates were crushed to a 21A grade and re purposed on site. Extensive abatement was completed during demolition activities as well with ACM located under each slab.

4 Story Office Bldg, Norfolk VA
East Coast Demolition worked with the City of Norfolk to remove this 55,000 sf office building to open the space for future development. Careful pre planning and coordination was carried out to ensure safety to the surrounding community, pedestrians, and roadways. Hanging curtains were placed to contain debris during demolition activities and to allow work to continue during changing weather conditions.
Work was completed over a 6 week window, with no complete road closures needed. The structure was surrounded on three sides by active roadway, surrounding businesses, and heavy traffic. At the adjacent untersection was the newly renovated Matin Luther King Jr. Memorial, and monument sign that was only 10' off the building corner. ECD took care to protect the monument and maintain traffic during renovations and ceremonies.

BASF Brown Field Site Demolition, Portsmouth, VA
East Coast Demolition is working with Victory Unlimited on the former BASF Plant site, removing over half a million square feet of concrete foundations and impervious site items. The site consists of of plant foundations, slabs, tank foundations, and secondary enclosures. Foundation removal is extending beyond 10' in some areas.
A portion of the demolition requires bulk soil removal to expose underground foundations and slabs. Existing rail road, above ground storage tanks, and asphalt roadways are also being removed.
Utilizing 7 machines, ECD is currently on schedule.
All aggregate materials are being stockpiled on site to be crushed for re use in the building pad of the future cold storage facility that will be built.
Over a 2 month period over 15,000 tons of concrete and asphalt will be demolished, removed, stockpiled, and crushed.

Quality Inn, Hampton, VA
East Coast Demolition worked with the City of Hampton to demolish the former Quality Inn located in Hampton, Virginia. The 150,000 sf hotel consisted of office spaces, theatre, convention center, 2 story motel, and 9 story hotel. All work was completed with East Coast Demolition owned equipment.
Work was completed over several months, taking down the structure strategically, cleaning the site as we progressed as to not leave any hazards on the site. With the hotel in close proximity to restaurants, active hotels, and a busy retail area, extra steps were taken to mitigate dust and debris. Exterior walls will eft as long as possible to contain dust and debris, as well as limit the view of the site from the active hotel next door.
Once the majority of the single to two story portion was completely down and cleaned up, we utilized our Volvo highreach to take down the 9 story. Separating materials and hauling off as we demolished help keep the project area looking clean and organized. It was important to the City of Hampton to keep a clean appearance to the site even with the scale and scope of work.

Arbors, Williamsburg, VA
This project consisted of 7 structures totaling 80,000 sf, all associated concrete slabs and foundations, and surrounding parking lots and trees. Overall the 4 acre site was left a blank canvas for the GC to complete the new work. All concrete and asphalt was crushed on site, to be re-used in the new construction. Over 7,000 tons over material was recycled. East Coast was able to recycle 87% of the waste stream.
What made this project more difficult was that all the roofing material had trace amounts of asbestos. East Coast utilized heavy equipment and trained staff to soft strip all interiors of the buildings. This allowed our crews to safely and efficiently remove the roofing during heavy demolition, and separate the roofing from the rest of the waste stream. East Coast also utilized atomized dust suppression systems on site to keep all dust within regulatory limits. These engineering controls allowed ECD keep surrounding businesses and people safe, as well as saving the owner money and time!

5 Story Hotel Abatement and Demolition
Richmond, VA
East Coast Demolition worked with a local general contractor to tackle this 120,000 sf former hotel and restaurant combo to make room for a new developer. Work consisted of over 100,000 sf of abatement and soft strip in the 5 story structure. Debris was removed prior to demolition to help divert recyclable material from the local landfills. Work was done in phases to keep production moving while multiple aspects of the project were completed.
While interior soft strip and abatement was taking place in the 5 story portion, 20,000 sf of the existing restaurant and event halls were demolished along with slabs and foundations. During the demolition of the 5 story structure, crews installed shoring and selectively separated the hotel and stairwell from an existing 7 story hotel that was to remain.
Along the separation line, 5 stories of block was directly adjacent to single story portions of the hotel to remain, as well as the request to preserve the fire suppression room on the first floor of the structure that was being demolished. Work was carried out in a safe and planned environment allowing a successful completion of all aspects of the project.

ODU Foreman Field
Norfolk, VA
East Coast Demolition was given the opportunity to be a part of an iconic project with S.B. Ballard Construction Company. We were awarded the East Grand Stand demolition of the former ODU Foreman Field. A new stadium was being built in 9 months between football seasons. With a 30 day demolition window, Team ECD finished the project in 8 days.
With approximately 32,000 sf of grand stands, over 500 loads of material that needed to be hauled, and no room for delays, East Coast was trusted to make it happen. Preparations were made months prior, and 5 machines were mobilized the day after the last ODU game.
Team ECD made quick work with demolishing the stadium in record time. Hauling over 50 loads a day of concrete, brick, and aluminum. Recycling 95% of the stadium waste stream. East Coast set the pace for the project, providing valuable time to future trades moving in after.

Portsmouth, VA
East Coast Demolition worked with the City of Portsmouth to demolish the former Willet Hall Theatre and former school after it was deemed too costly to repair. Over 50,000 sf of structure demolition, asbestos abatement, and a 120' brick chimney were part of the scope of work.
Abatement started at the end of 2019, working through the beginning of 2020 with a delay in progress due to COVID-19. With the project back up and running work was completed shortly thereafter in the summer of 2020. Over 5,000 CY of fill was brought in to bring the site to grade for a future green space.
Working closely with the City of Portsmouth and the adjacent Bon Secours Maryview Hospital during the pandemic, East Coast Demolition took extra precautions to ensure access to the hospital was not impeded, as well as strict air quality regulations and practices were put in place to ensure no airborne particles entered in to the Hospital airspace.

Virginia Beach, VA
East Coast teamed up with KBS to demolish a 70,000 sf boat storage facility, as well as a 30,000 sf marina and event facility. A boat fueling facility and three 20,000 gallon underground fuel storage tanks were also removed in our scope of work.
We utilized a fleet of 4 excavators to complete the work, as well as our high reach excavator to safely dismantle the 60' tall boat storage facility. By using our high reach machine the structure was taken down systematically, while keeping the operator, our employees, and other employees safe within the demolition area.
Complete slab and foundation removal was carried out over a 2 week timeframe and hauled to a local recycling yard to be processed and turned back into re-usable material for future projects.
Safety of the surrounding community, residents, and maintaining access to the boat docks and boats were critical. There was also a restaurant on the site that had to remain open and operational. All work was completed without disruption to the surrounding community.

Portsmouth, VA
East Coast Demolition worked with City of Portsmouth to complete full abatement, structural demolition, foundation and basement demolition, as well as backfill and site restoration. The existing roof structural integrity was compromised of the years due to weather, creating an emergency to surrounding pedestrians and traffic, with the risk of the outer walls failing.
Utilizing our Volvo High Reach excavator, we are able to demolish the entire Church from a safety exclusion zone within the property boundaries, without having to shut down city streets. Demolition was carried out during normal business hours, while still ensuring the safety of the surrounding public and allowing normal daily activities to continue.

Corolla, NC
Demolition of 30,000 sf above and below ground steel and concrete waste water storage tanks. Many tanks were up to 20' below grade, with 12" thick reinforced support slabs.
Work was completed during peak tourism season, with seasonal vehicle and pedestrian traffic being a concern. All work was completed with no delays or disruption to visiting guests.
All materials were segregated, hauled off site, and recycled to reduce the waste stream. A 95% target recycle rate was achieved, reducing the impact of disposal in the Outer Banks area, which has zero mass waste disposal sites, and eliminating environmental impacts.

Portsmouth, VA
East Coast teamed up with Breeden Construction Company on this multiple phase project. With 16 structures, site demolition, on site crushing, and abatement all completed in a six week window.
East Coast was awarded this project based on competitive pricing and the ability to complete the job in the short time frame allotted. Abatement of transite panels and floor tile in multiple structures was carried out over a week. While equipment was mobilized on site. Coordination with the GC and multiple utilities was key in trying to utilize every day of the schedule.
The project was completed on time with approx. 3,000 tons of recycled concrete crushed for re-use. Over 120,000 sf of structures were demolished in the 6 week window, as well as impervious surfaces and trees. Projects of this size and time constraint showcase our ability to complete them, while still servicing other clients with the same availability and reliability.

Richmond, VA
Teaming up with our repeat client M.L. Bell Construction, we were tasked with the selective separation and full demo of the 45,000 sf storage warehouse for Haynes Furniture.
Haynes was remodeling multiple stores in the area, and this project included the demolition of the warehouse and surrounding parking lot to make room for a new store front and parking. East Coast completely removed the structure, slab and foundations, which were attached to the building to remain.
Team ECD selectively separated over 500', and utilized its high reach machine to safely demolish the warehouse. Cranes were used to lift 10,000 lb. concrete panels from over top the store to remain. With a cell tower only 15' away from one corner, thorough planning and engineering had to be considered. The project was finished by removing over 3,000 CY of soil to provide a build ready site.

Hampton, VA
Demolition of the 8 story Langley Federal Credit Union, in Hampton, VA. This project consisted of a total gross area of approx. 70,000 sf building demo. All materials were segregated, hauled off site, and recycled to reduce the waste stream. We completed the project in 29 working days, completing the project 60 days ahead of schedule for the client; with no change orders or down time. With an active lane off the back of the structure, use of our high reach machine brought down the building in a controlled manner.

Fort Lee, VA
Demolition and full abatement of 36 military housing units. All houses were completely abated of pipe insualtion and floortile. Demolition consisted of 36 structures including all driveways, sidewalks, curbing, and site items.
Work was completed over a 2 month time frame. East Coast utilized its company owned fleet of dump trailers and dump trucks to haul all debris and concrete off site. All concrete was recycled at a local facility.
Work was coordinated while working adjacent to occupied housing and active streets, as well as keeping all base safety regulations in mind.

Norfolk, VA
East Coast teamed up with S.B. Ballard Construction Company on this two phase project. With a major building separation completed in Phase 1 to keep Phase 2 operational while the new building would be built.
This portion of the Brown Hall demolition was Phase 2 of the building demolition. East Coast completed Phase 1, 2 years prior, which included 75,000 sf of structural demo. Phase 2 included 50,000 sf of structure demolition. All foundations, multiple parking lots, and site items were removed.
Abatement of both phases were completed prior to demolition. including removal and legal disposal of all hazardous items including mercury containing bulbs, thermostats, freon, etc. Both phases were completed on schedule and without and change orders.

Demolition and full abatement of the historical Oceanview Elementary School. This reinforced concrete school consisted of 80,000+ sf and site demo for SB Ballard Construction Company. Site demo included parking, courts, driveways, and clearing/grubbing. Building demo was completed with hydraulic processors to handle the 3' thick walls and footers. With an active neighborhood and new elementary school adjacent to the demolition site, safety and organization were of the highest importance.

Williamsburg, VA
Controlled demolition and removal of an Evap Tank located in the Anheuser Busch Facility. With the complexity of its location, the grade of stainless steel, and the presence of an adjacent highly flammable area, we presented the option of our High Reach excavator and hydraulic shear to cut the tank down. It was also required the footer and tank pad was left for future a build. The tank was removed in 2 days with no down time to the plant and zero incidents. All equipment had to be matted to ensure no damage to the impervious surfaces. Safety was kept at the highest standard while working in the facility.


Virginia Beach, VA
Demolition of the 6 story Ocean Side Inn Hotel located in the Rudee Inlet Loop at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. This project consists of a total gross area of approximately 31,000 sf, 6 story building demo. There was also a pool on site that was hammered and filled, and surrounding parking was infilled and rolled with asphalt millings. The available space to work was less than an acre. All materials were segregated, hauled off site, and recycled to reduce the waste stream. The project was for the City of Virginia Beach. Work was completed in less than 30 days before the report season started.

Suffolk, VA
Demolition of the old Southwestern Elementary School located in Suffolk, VA. Work was complete for the City of Suffolk. This project consists of a total gross area of approx. 66,000 sf building demo. Abatement of friable and non-friable materials was completed before demolition. Gymnasium floors were recycled and repurposed in a future build in Hampton, VA. The site was backfilled to surrounding grade, topsoiled, and left a green space. All materials were segregated, hauled off site, and recycled to reduce the waste stream.

Chesapeake, VA
Demolition and clearing of 9+ structures, 5+ acres, and rough grading of the entire site. This project was located in Chesapeake, VA. We utilized our fleet of Komatsu's to handle the job. Project was completed ahead of schedule. This project showcases the ability for East Coast Demolition to handle large clearing jobs as well as our typical structural demolition. East Coast offered a complete turn key site scrape. Limits were cleared for E&S controls to be installed before activities took place. Safe ingress and egress onto the highway was managed to eliminate accidents and traffic interruptions.

Gloucester, VA
Controlled demolition and removal of an existing water tower located at the Virginia Institue of Marine Science.
East Coast was contracted to remove the tower in a controlled manner. With the use of our Volvo High Reach excavator, we were able to complete this task with the least amount of risk to the surrounding structures. The tower was dropped, processed, and hauled in a day.
The close proximity to other structures only left one way the tower could be laid down, with the structural integrity of the legs in questions, the high reach was chosen as the safest method of dismantling.

Hampton, VA
Demolition of an older hotel and restaurant in Hampton, VA, for the major grocery chain LIDL. This project consisted of a total gross area over 95,000 sf of building demo and over 2 acres of impervious pavement removal.
The hotel was reinforced concrete and block. East Coast had to utilize multiple hammers and processors to process the material. All materials were hauled off site and concrete and asphalt was crushed at an offsite location. The job was completed in 2 months. Rough grading was done to leave a positively drained site for the site contractor.

NASA Langley, Hampton, VA
Demolition and complete disposal of the NASA 7x10 Wind Tunnel located in Langley, VA. Demolition consisted of the entire wind tunnel, towers, testing facility, and restroation of the site. The project was in close proximity to an existing structure. East Coast was reconized for the demolition process and extensive safety controls throughout the project. This project was completed in 2010. This project was completed with our first high reach machine East Coast ever owned, and has set the pace for what East Coast is today.

Elizabeth City, NC
East Coast was contracted to handle all the demolition for the rehabilitation of the Southgate Mall located in Elizabeth City, NC.
Multiple storefronts, interior walls, facades, and other selective demo items were completed. The major portion of demolition included 200' of structure separation and containement with the mall still occupied. Demolition was completed of the old JC Penny's, including all slabs, footers, and pile caps.
Slabs were cut and shoring was installed for new walls, facades, and columns. Work was completed over 6 months for the client. Putting them ahead of schedule and no loss time incidents.